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Todays Thought-It Is Written, So It Shall Be Done. |
Thursday, November 20, 2008 |

Have you heard the famous phrase - It Is Written, So It Shall Be Done.
The story of Obama almost followed the same line. Everything orchestrated as if it is written to be followed. He got right endorsement and needed support from the key figures in time, on time and all the time.
(Oprah Winfrey is the first one who brought Obama to the center stage Kennedy & John Kerry were the first key democratic senators who threw their support while others waited for safety net. John Edwards endorsed Obama when Hilary was turning the triumph to her side and racsim started to ruin the game Bill Richardson, two time cabinet minister for Clinton endorsed Obama in a very crucial moment, that helped Obama with Lattino votes..)
Neither McCain nor Bush are the cause of his success, but Obama himself. They have their credit for accelerating Obama's success. This singularity of success is belongs to the person who rekindled Americans to dream again - Yes we can.
My friend who has been here for more than 25 years, never experienced or seen such a passion or spirit spreading acorss America where Obama became a buzz word and also for the rest of world. It was equally amazing that youth took the politics beyond its protected boundries, to the streets of America as their future is on the line of uncertanity. He has been a true master who could mobilize the youth, magnetize them for wider reach of larger regions of America.
It is awesome scene that world around, waiting for hours to watch for his speech; again majority of them were youth.
He surprisingly succeeded - he was not a major figure to get such chance at that time - to speak in 2004 Democratic convention where everyone noticed a strange, but powerful man. Thereafter he never looked back; got into senate on the same year as the 5th black senator and was an underdog when US party primary election started.
Oprah Winfrey who attended 2004 convention got an instict that 'this is the chosen one'. 'What does it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his "soul' - this powerful wording haunted her time after time and finally she took a firm stand early on and helped Obama with her soul & source. (She had been strong supported of Clintons)
Now, I can imagine, how did Churchil & Napoleon inspried people & ruled them. It's belongs to very few chosen ones whose world is written in advance to be followed by the herd.
Slavery that existed in America 150 years back, equality for them where unheard of before 1960, and it was well beyond anybody's dream that a Afro-American can rule from White House.
Yes we can - the mantra keep murmering and may continue to mesmerize for years to come.
All the Best, Win Your Dreams- Team - |
posted by Win Your Dreams @ 9:36 AM  |