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Wednesday, December 10, 2008 |
Steve Case Co-Founder, America Online
Stephen M. Case was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. His father was an attorney, his mother an elementary school teacher. The third of four children, young Steve showed an entrepreneurial bent from an early age. At six, he started a juice stand with his brother Daniel, using limes from their own back yard. The brothers shared a paper route, sold seeds and magazine subscriptions and started a mail order company they called Case Enterprises.
After studying political science at Williams College, Steve Case worked for Procter and Gamble, then managed pizza development for Pepsi's Pizza Hut unit. While traveling for Pizza Hut, he spent many evenings amusing himself with a new gadget, the personal computer. After exploring one of the first online services, the Source, he became fascinated with the possibilities of the online world. His brother Daniel, who had become an investment banker, invited him to attend the 1983 Consumer Electronics show in Las Vegas, where he introduced him to the directors of Control Video, a struggling computer game company. Control Video offered Steve a job as a marketing assistant on the spot, and he jumped at the opportunity to pursue his vision of an interactive world of computer-based communication and entertainment.
Control Video, based in Washington, D.C., was principally occupied with providing an online gaming service for Atari computer owners, but when Atari faltered, the service was no longer in demand and Control Video struggled to survive. As Control Video drastically reduced its staff, Case became the company's marketing director. With new CEO James Kimsey at the helm, Control Video made a deal to manage an online gaming service for Commodore computers. They managed to pay off the company's smaller creditors and offered the larger debt-holders a stake in the venture, renamed Quantum Computer Services in 1985.
Case tirelessly sought new investors for the venture, and in 1987 landed a deal to provide custom online services for Apple Computers. Not long after, he made a similar deal with Tandy, but when Apple withdrew from the agreement in 1989 to manage its own online service, Case and Quantum were again faced with a crisis. Case believed the only solution was for Quantum to create its own branded online service that would be independent of any hardware manufacturer. The new service, which Case named America Online, made its national debut in 1989. Quantum Computer Services changed its name to America Online, Inc. in 1991.
From the beginning Chairman Kimsey had groomed Steve Case to lead the company, in 1991, Kimsey named Case as his successor and the young marketing executive gradually took over AOL's day-to-day operations. In 1993 he took charge as CEO, while Kimsey stayed on as Chairman. In 1997 Kimsey retired and Steve Case assumed full duties as both Chairman and CEO Under Case's leadership, America Online led the industry in such areas as consumer privacy, integrating technology into schools and ensuring the safety of children on the Internet. Case had succeeded in making the personal computer, connected through the Internet, as much a part of the American home as television or the telephone. He quickly identified the next challenges, acquiring broadband access for his user base, and integrating the old media world of the film and music industries with the new media world of computers and the Internet. In addition to his far-flung business interests, Steve Case now devotes much of his energy to philanthropic activities. In the same year as the Time Warner merger, he teamed once again with his very first business partner, his brother Dan, to found Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2), an organization that applies an entrepreneurial model to the funding of brain cancer research. Daniel Case succumbed to the disease in 2002, but Steve carries on their work, serving as Chairman of both ABC2 and The Case Foundation, a private family foundation he established with his wife Jean in 1997. Although he has made his home in the Washington, D.C. area for more than 20 years, he remains actively involved in the life of his home state, investing in enterprises that provide new operating models for agriculture and sustainable development in Hawaii
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posted by Win Your Dreams @ 8:19 AM  |